Well, much has happened in the past few months. Kieran is growing like a bean sprout. (a small bean sprout). Loves to suck his fingers and may eat himself before he's one. Nathan, is growing taller and smarter. Now in his big boy bed after his daredevil event...tried to bungee jump from his crib...without the bungee cord, but no permanent damage, other than the fact he refuses to go to bed before 10pm now regardless of naps or no naps.
Mommy and Daddy are just plain "tuckered" as some might say, but we believe in the light at the end of the tunnel. Just a really long tunnel at this point.
The family took a nice trip up to New Hampshire for a hotel stay w/pool and a train ride with Santa. Both kids had a blast and it was fun to get out of the house.
Just had a wonderful month with Hannukah and Christmas. Nathan got more loot than most 3rd world countries. We are in the process of purchasing countless toy organizing furniture and most likely will have to buy a 2nd home. Daddy may have to sleep on the couch to make room.
We'll try to keep up with more highlights as the New Year begins. Trips to BabaPaloozza III or IV or something, Joshie's birthday, and much more.
Best to all this holiday season.